All My Lines

Buck Cemetery

Larger Map

1 mile west of Buckton Station, Virginia on north side of Southern Railway. Warren County. This is a private burial ground. It is enclosed by a stone and mortar wall and is well kept.

It is located on SR-610 which turns off of Hwy 55 at Waterlick (near a small, old store) as "Buck's Mill Rd". Shortly after getting on SR-610, SR-678 "Richardson Road" joins it from the left. Keep to the right on SR-610. You'll be sort of following the railroad which will be on your left. When SR-610 crosses the railroad and turns sharply to the right (otherwise running into the river), find a place to park on the side of the road. Then go back to the railroad tracks and follow them up the hill. The cemetery is between the tracks and the river. (Alternatively, you can walk up the hill between the tracks and the river.) It is a beautiful old cemetery surrounded by a stone fence.

Buckton Station, VA

County State Country
Warren Virginia USA

